The ESCL Annual Conference was held on 16-17 June 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria



The ESCL Conference held by the BSCL in Sofia on 17 June 2021 was attended by more than 50 participants from 16 countries.

17 experts from 10 countries delivered interesting presentations, keeping the audience involved from 8 to 18, many participants asking questions and sharing experience.

It was great to meet face to face after 3 years and share knowledge!


You can find on the links below presentations/materials uploaded with the kind permissoin of the presentors:

Session 1              Moderator Prof. Dr. Bastian Fuchs, LL.M., ESCL Chairman

1. A case study on worst PPP practice – how not to do it? Sean Gibbs, Chief Executive Officer at Hanscomb International

2PPPs: How to brace for real impact?  Mr Arent van Wassenaer (The Faithful Goose, The Hague, The Netherlands)

3. The future FIDIC PPP Contract Mr Peter Collie, FIDIC CC, PPP TG liaison, UK

4. Challenges of Digitalization for PPP Dr Hristo Hristozov, LL.M., Digitalization Lead at ProActive Solutions ltd, Bulgaria

 Session 2              Moderator Richard Bailey, Partner Druces LLP London, ESCL Council Member past Chair of the UK SCL and ESCL

5. Procuring net zero construction- how does collaboration improve PPP outcomes? Darya Bahram, RIBA, MAPM, MCIArb, a Research Associate at the King’s College London Centre of Construction Law and Dispute Resolution

6. How can we create collaborative PPPs?  Ms Martina Mincuzzi, SLV law firm, Italy, EAPPP representative

7. PPP Danube – Aegean Sea Motorway – a project created by a private entity Mr. Roumen Markov, MEng, General Manager ‘Large Infrastructure Projects’, Bulgaria   

8. Opening PPP’s doors in Latvia. Case study of Kekava Bypass Ms Lelde Lavina, Partner & Head of Real Estate & Construction practice at Sorainen Latvia    

 Country reports I, Moderator Mr. Prof. Dr. Bastian Fuchs, LL.M., ESCL Chairman

9. PPPs in Belgium Mrs Elke Van Overwaele, Confederation Construction Legal Department Manager

10. PPPs in Bulgaria Mrs Victoria Penkova, Managing Partner Dyulgerova & Penkova Law Firm & Ms Boyana Milcheva, Head of Construction Law Practice Dimitrov, Petrov & Co. Law Firm

11. PPPs in Denmark Attorney-at-law, Ph.D. Mr. Anders Jost Buch

12. PPPs in Finland Ms. Emma Niemistö, Partner, Head of Construction Merilampi Attorneys Ltd

13. PPPs in France Mr Pierre A Rohan, AFDCI, Barrister at the Paris Bar

 Country reports II, Moderator Prof. dr. jur. Ole Hansen, ESCL Vice President

14. PPPs in Italy Mr. Roberto Panetta, Founder & Managing Partner of Panetta Law Firm, ESCL Vice Chairman

15. PPPs in Netherlands Mr Arent van Wassenaer

16.  PPPs in UK Prof. Anthony Lavers, Counsel White & Case, Visiting Professor KCL

17. PPPs in Ukraine Mr. Volodymyr Yaremko Senior Associate (Ukrainian Lawyer) Mayer Brown International LLP

Summary: “PPP: What really matters?”

Question and Answer session and Close of Conference, with Dr. Adriana Spassova, ESCL President, BSCL Chair and Prof. dr. jur. Ole Hanen, Vice President






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