The Bulgarian Construction Law Society has been incorporated on 20 April 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the aim to unite professionals in construction law for development of the construction sector in accordance with the best European achievements. The society was accepted as a full member by the European Society of Construction Law on the annual Presidents’ Meeting at King’s College London, held October 2015 (, which unites 18 non-profit organizations from different European countries with similar aims. In Bulgaria the Society is assisted by major organizations such as the Bulgarian Chamber of Architects; the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design and the Construction Chamber. Information of the European Society and its members as well as the Bulgarian partners of the Bulgarian Society is available in section “Links”.
The Bulgarian Construction Law Society is engaged with promotion of the best known practices in contracting, performance of the contracts and management of disputes in the investment process in Bulgaria, by promotion of the European and globally established forms of contracts in construction, alternative dispute resolution methods and proposing common action in relation to problematic texts of the construction legislation in force and the public discussions of bills for amendment of the construction legislation. The members of the Society are united by common awareness of the necessity of improving the scarce and archaic regulation of contracting in the investment process and simplifying the excessively burdensome and bureaucratic construction legislation. In this respect the Society will act to propose standard tender documents for selection of contractors for the most common construction projects in Bulgaria, promote the use of the terms of contracts drafted by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), list and explain the “good” and the “bad” practices in the investment process and others. More information of the activities of the Bulgarian Construction Law Society is available in the sections “Publications” and “News”.
The Bulgarian Construction Law Society aims at uniting leading professionals from outstanding engineering, construction and consulting companies, legal firms, professors of law, architecture, construction engineering and other branches of science as well as generally people with interest in construction. Membership in the Society is open for all natural and legal persons, which share its ideas. Membership in the Society is granted in accordance with the procedure set out in its Article of Association. A list of the current members is accessible here.
In order to be admitted for member or request more information of the Society and its activity, please fill in the form of request in Section “Membership” and we undertake to contact you.
The Society is governed by a general assembly of its members and a management board consisting of seven members with a 5-years mandate. The current management board is elected at the constitutional meeting of the Society by applying a principle of equal representation of different professions at the Society – architects, construction engineers, law professionals and others. Information of the members of the management board is accessible here.